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Bishop Bonnar Messages

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Bishop Bonnar Messages
Christmas Greeting from Bishop David J. Bonnar

Bishop Bonnar: “Christmas is not about just being spectators at the creche, but participants in a loving relationship with Jesus Christ.” Illustrated with photos from parish nativities.

Bishop Bonnar Messages
Column | Vision, Voices, and Visits of Advent

Bishop Bonnar: “[W]elcome the many visitations that are part of these days, because you just might be in the presence of a prophet, or better yet, Christ himself. Happy Advent!”

Bishop Bonnar
Bishop Bonnar Messages
A New Magazine and More: Adapting to Today’s Needs

Bishop Bonnar: “With The Catholic Echo, we now look forward to extending our reach… so that the echo of our Catholic faith can reverberate to the farthest corners of our diocese.”

Bishop Bonnar
Bishop Bonnar Messages
Column | Eucharistic Revival is Eye-Opening

Bishop Bonnar: “Studies show that parishes that foster Eucharistic Adoration become a seed bed for religious vocations. It is my hope that more parishes will embrace this tradition.”

Bishop Bonnar Messages
Homily | Mass for Funeral and Cemetery Workers

Bishop Bonnar: “My brothers and sisters, we too have been chosen to reveal, by our work and ministry, God’s love for the poor, especially those experiencing the poverty of loss and grief.”