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Bishop Bonnar Messages

Bishop Bonnar
Bishop Bonnar Messages
Column | Where is God?

Bishop Bonnar: As a seminarian studying theology, most especially the Second Vatican Council’s Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, I came to learn that God is present in the priest, the Word, the Eucharistic species of bread and wine, and the assembly.

Bishop Bonar Crosier - Top
Bishop Bonnar Messages
Easter Message 2022

Bishop Bonnar: “What a blessed honor it is for us, in all of our humanness, to be anointed as priests of Jesus Christ and to proclaim the joy of the Gospel to the whole world!”

Bishop Bonar Crosier - Top
Bishop Bonnar Messages
Homily | Chrism Mass

Bishop Bonnar: “What a blessed honor it is for us, in all of our humanness, to be anointed as priests of Jesus Christ and to proclaim the joy of the Gospel to the whole world!”

Bishop Bonnar
Bishop Bonnar Messages
Column | Catholic Charities: Showing the Face of God

Bishop Bonnar: “Catholic Charities has a network of people who care. They exude charity and love. As a result, God is made present again and again throughout the six counties of our diocese.”