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Bishop Bonnar Messages

Bishop Bonar Crosier - Top
Bishop Bonnar Messages
Homily | Mass for Peace and Act of Consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Bishop Bonnar: Led by our Holy Father, we turn to Mary today, at the same hour, and not only celebrate the joyful mystery of the annunciation but also her influence and intercession on our lives. In a particular way, we lift our hearts in prayer for the people of Ukraine and Russia in what is for us the greatest of prayers, the Holy Mass, and we echo the prayer and desire of our Holy Father that Ukraine and Russia be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. To be consecrated is to be set apart for the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Bishop Bonnar
Bishop Bonnar Messages
Column | Collaboration and the Mission of the Church

Bishop Bonnar: “With every spring there is something new.  This is a new moment for our spiritual life.  Spring also engenders many new beginnings and a wealth of opportunities.  The Lenten spring is no different.” 

Bishop Bonar Crosier - Top
Bishop Bonnar Messages
Homily | Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion

Bishop Bonnar: “My dear catechumens and candidates for continuing conversion in the Church: that image of the step is so appropriate for our gathering today. By your presence here in this mother Church of the diocese you take a significant step in your spiritual life, which is intentional in as much as you are choosing it by responding to God’s call. For it is not you who chose him but he who chose you.”

Bishop Bonnar
Bishop Bonnar Messages
Column | Lent: Springtime of the Soul

Bishop Bonnar: “With every spring there is something new.  This is a new moment for our spiritual life.  Spring also engenders many new beginnings and a wealth of opportunities.  The Lenten spring is no different.” 

Bishop Bonnar
Bishop Bonnar Messages
Column | Clergy, lay, religious laboring together in the vineyard of the Lord

Bishop Bonnar: “As a pastor, I was at my best when I was able to collaborate with these professional people in the parish. Together we worked as a team in the parish to proclaim the joy of the Gospel and to foster unity. In my new role as bishop, I am just as committed to working with these dedicated lay men and women who have so much to give to the Church. In fact, it is hard for me to imagine doing ministry without them. They are a gift to the Church.”

Bishop Bonnar
Bishop Bonnar Messages
Column | World Day for Consecrated Life

Bishop Bonnar: “I want to thank the women and men in consecrated life for answering God’s call. . . . In so many ways, even in brokenness, they are a window that reflects the light of Jesus Christ.”