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Media Relations

  1. Parishes and other diocesan entities who receive inquiries from the media are asked to consult with Justin Huyck, Director of Communications: (330) 744-8451, ext. 320;
  2. Please also kindly inform the Communications Department when your programs, initiatives, and ministries are featured in the news media.
  3. The Communications Department is available to consult on news releases regarding events and initiatives. Processes will continue to be developed to assist these efforts.

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St. Joseph Care Center in Louisville to be Sold

Press Release | The Most Rev. David J. Bonnar, Bishop of Youngstown, and Chairman of the St. Joseph Care Center Corporation, announces that the Members of the Corporation have made the decision to sell St. Joseph Care Center, a senior living facility located in Louisville, Ohio.

15 Lay Leaders of Prayer Commissioned by the Diocese of Youngstown

Press Release | Fifteen men and women were commissioned as Lay Leaders of Prayer on November 15, 2023. Leaders of Prayer are lay persons commissioned to lead the faithful in acts of worship which in the past were most often led by the ordained clergy but may also be led by lay people.