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Handel’s Messiah and Lessons and Carols at St. Columba Cathedral


November 29, 2023


Ralph Holtzhauser, Diocesan Director of Music and Cathedral Musician
(330) 744-8451, ext. 212;


Justin Huyck, Director of Communications
(330) 744-8451, ext. 320;

Cathedral will host the two seasonal events on December 4 and December 10

The Diocese of Youngstown is pleased to announce two exciting musical events this December at St. Columba Cathedral. Both promise to enhance the Advent season and the experience of Christmas, while building upon the cathedral’s tradition of musical excellence. All members of the public are welcome at these events.

On Monday, December 4, music directors from the Diocese of Youngstown will partner with the Warren Civic Chorus to bring Handel’s Messiah—his most recognizable work—to St. Columba Cathedral. The concert will be from 7 to 8:30 p.m., followed by a reception in the cathedral hall. Though the event is free, a free-will offering will benefit Second Harvest Food Bank.

Then, on Sunday, December 10, at 6 p.m., the St. Columba Cathedral musicians will present the annual Festival of Lessons and Carols. This year, the program includes the hauntingly beautiful “O Antiphons” setting by Peter Hallock, along with many other musical anthems and hymns. The “O Antiphons” are an Advent prayer tradition, naming various titles ascribed to Jesus in preparation for the Christmas celebration. This event is also free, and a free-will offering will benefit the Cathedral music program.

Security will be provided for both concerts and ample parking will be available. For more information on either concert, visit the event calendar at

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